The Sunshine Fund helps pets who come to The Animal League with injuries and illnesses that are beyond normal circumstances. These are the sick, abused and abandoned pets we take in and nurse back to health. Most require surgeries other shelters would not be willing to provide.
Below are just a few of the pets the Sunshine Fund has helped over the years. We are grateful for your support and contribution to the fund so that we can continue our life-saving work. The Sunshine Fund is set aside specifically for these cases – the worst-of-the-worst, the animals who have no other helping hand to save them. Come along with us on this journey and watch these pets transform into the happy, carefree cats and dogs they were born to be.

No one would have called Bran handsome when he arrived. He was emaciated and malnourished upon arrival, but that wasn’t all of his worries. He also had a skin infection and was full of intestinal parasites. It took him over a month to recover from all of his ailments.

Dash had a severe bladder infection upon arrival. It is hard when something so little is so sick but the Sunshine Fund came through for puppy Dash.

When The Animal League took in many dogs from a puppy mill, some were very pregnant including one small Dachshund with a giant baby inside her. Thanks to the Sunshine Fund an emergency C-section was performed and both mother and baby lived! More about the puppy mill rescue.

What’s the Problem?
The reality of shelter life: nearly every pet we rescue needs some kind of medical attention. Some pets cost $100s to rehabilitate while others cost $1,000s.

Sunshine came to us desperately needing eye surgery. If not us, who? Thank you for helping us save the injured, abused, and neglected. Together we can make a difference.

Hotcakes had a broken jaw and broken eye blood vessels upon arrival. Hotcakes was just one of the many dogs rescued from a puppy mill, many with serious ailments. The Sunshine Fund was there to help these precious souls.

Mushroom not only had ear and eye infections but also painful testicle infections from severe matting. Thankfully the Sunshine Fund was there. Pain and infection relieved.

Ohhh Peppermint! That eye looked so painful. The surgeon found a slit indicating something went in his eye, and sadly it had to be removed. The Sunshine Fund was there for him as was our caring staff and volunteers.

You have heard “Cute as a kitten”? But when kittens have severe upper respiratory infections “Sick as a cat” would be more appropriate. Ruth and her orphaned siblings were just a few weeks old when they arrived. They had such severe URIs that their eyes were glued shut

Tomato was another of the many dogs rescued from a puppy mill. Tomato was terrified of open spaces and she had been bred time after time. The Sunshine Fund provided for the surgery she needed.

If not you and us, then who?
We provide care and comfort to those who have been abused, neglected, and abandoned. Nearly every pet we rescue needs some medical attention and emotional healing.
Please join us on this journey of helping pets recover from trauma and live happy, healthy lives.

Chachee came to The Animal League as a young pup. He was missing a lot of fur from mange. His skin was painful, itchy and infected. Chachee also had internal parasites, heavy hookworms and giardia. He was afraid of men. Poor little fellow! Chachee has since recovered thanks to donors to our Sunshine Fund and our hardworking team.

With such a severe neck and leg injury many thought Charlie would not pull through. The Sunshine Fund gave him the chance he needed to survive and thrive. He was a fighter. Enjoy your life Charlie! Read more about Charlie.

Chloe came to us with a broken leg after wandering the streets for days after being hit by a car. You can see how painful her leg must’ve been. Chloe received surgery and a loving foster home to nurse her body and mind back to health before being adopted.

When Freddy arrived he looked more bedraggled than fluffy. He was severely matted, had skin infections, and severe dental disease requiring extractions. With the help from the Sunshine Fund it was all smiles when he went to his new loving home. We appreciate your donations to the Sunshine Fund.

Thrown out of the window of a moving car and hitting a mailbox, little Freedom suffered serious injury on top of other problems including a broken leg, a deep leg gash, and fleas. An orthopedic specialist was able to save his leg by carefully wiring his leg bones back together.

Tollie came to us after a Good Samaritan found her as a 4-week-old orphan in a highway tollbooth. She was in rough shape and spent weeks in our on-site Loos Recovery Center. Thanks to the Sunshine Fund, Tollie was able to receive the care she needed.

Not another bad eye? But this time in just a little puppy. Upon arrival Leaf was rushed to the vet where we learned he had a collapsed globe. This meant his eye had to be completely removed. Thank goodness for the Sunshine Fund.

When he arrived Lucky was emaciated and in so much pain from the mange covering his entire body. With the help of the Sunshine Fund the mange was beaten and he was nursed back to health by our loving staff and volunteers.

Princess came to us with an injured front leg and multiple masses on her abdomen. She needed surgery. The Sunshine Fund was there for her.

Meet Neutron
Poor Neutron was matted and stinky when he arrived, but that wasn’t the worst of it. He had an eye that needed immediate attention. Unfortunately, it could not be saved but, thanks to the Sunshine Fund, we think he is going to do just fine, don’t you?

Baby Red and his orphan siblings had severe upper respiratory infections when we took them in. The infection was so bad that mucous had glued their eyes shut. Thanks to the Sunshine Fund we were able to treat them right away. More about Red.

Matted, malnourished, anemic, full of parasites and deadly heartworms, poor Penne was in big, big trouble. Enter the Sunshine Fund. Would you please donate to the Sunshine Fund to help pets like Penne?

Buddy came to us with severe matting and painful sores across his tiny body. He was underweight, malnourished, anemic, full of parasites, and had deadly heartworms. We immediately stepped in to help Buddy on his journey to recovery.

Meet Lana
Lana was dumped in a forest with her other puppy siblings. We received a call, “They look really bad. Can you help?” We immediately arranged for transport back to The Animal League and contacted our veterinarian to prepare them for their journey back to recovery. They were very hungry, scared, and obviously in very poor health.
We provide care and comfort to those who have been abused, neglected, and abandoned. Nearly every pet we rescue needs some medical attention and emotional healing.
Please join us on this journey of helping pets recover from trauma and live happy, healthy lives.

Cookie was found wandering the streets all by herself in search of a morsel of food. Her eyes and skin were full of infection. One eye was completely crusted over. She had been over-bred and discarded, then shot at with a bebe gun. Thanks to the Sunshine Fund she got the urgent medical attention she needed to save her life. More about Cookie.

Sweet Lily arrived with Parvo, an extremely deadly disease. She spent a lot of time in the Loos Recovery Center at The Animal League with around-the-clock care. With help from the Sunshine Fund she survived and is thriving.

Life can be tough for a special needs kitty when their owner passes away. With the help of the Sunshine Fund The Animal League was able to determine just what Randy needed to thrive!

Four five-pound puppies were abandoned in the forest to fend for themselves. When found their condition was dire but the Sunshine Fund came through for them. Just look at these cuties now! More about the huskies.

What’s fluffy, has 8 legs, 2 tails, and 1 eye? This bonded pair of kittens who received help from the Sunshine Fund. Willy uses his one eye to see for the both of them. They received the surgery they needed and can spend the rest of their lives together thanks to generous Sunshine Fund donors.

Puppy Moon had a very difficult start in her young life and as a result distrusted people. She couldn’t stand properly, due to either genetics or being stuffed into a small cage for extended periods of time. With the help of the Sunshine Fund she was able to start running and playing and showing off her sweet puppy spirit.

It is not much fun being a bulldog if you have a skin condition and eyelid issues requiring multiple surgeries, but if the Sunshine Fund takes you on, life gets so much better. Would you please donate to help others like Major?

Would you call a dog hit by a car Lucky? You might if it then became a Sunshine Fund recipient and got nursed back to health and its trust in humans restored. The car’s hit to Lucky pushed and smooshed all of his internal organs to one small section of his internal cavity. Lucky also had two liver lacerations, which alone would have caused eventual death.

Skinny, sad, and bald. Bravo was neglected and it showed. That was poor Bravo when he arrived but not when he left. With the help of the Sunshine Fund Bravo went to his forever home with shining eyes and a beautiful gleaming coat. The Sunshine Fund is the only way we can help pets like Bravo. Will you donate?

Together We Make a Difference
Broken bones, puppies with parvo, skin diseases…all part of our everyday shelter life. With rising veterinary costs and so many pets in need, we appreciate any donation to our Sunshine Fund. Together we can help save animals that require care.
Please join us on this journey of helping pets recover from trauma and live happy, healthy lives.

When Sweet Pea arrived he was the picture of a neglected and mistreated animal. It broke our hearts, but this is rescue and we push on to help those that can’t help themselves. Will you join us on our mission to help more neglected and mistreated pets?

Liberty was in danger of losing his leg it was so badly broken. Liberty needed expensive surgery to save his leg. Thanks to the Sunshine Fund Liberty was able to get the surgery he needed to save his leg.

Lightening was wounded and sick, and based on the condition of her teeth she may have been so hungry that she tried to eat rocks to sustain herself. With the help of the Sunshine Fund (and good nutritious food) just look at her now!

Will You Help Us Save A Life Today?
As a private non-profit rescue, we do not receive government or taxpayer funding; we rely on the donations and kindness from people like you.