Adoption Application

Noah was rescued by The Animal League

Ready to take the next step?

Please review the below information before beginning your adoption application. We look forward to helping you find your forever friend!

Before You Apply

Please review the below resources in order to fully understand our animal shelter’s adoption process.

How our Adoption Process Works
Frequently Asked Questions
Age Guidelines for Adopting

Criteria You Must Meet

In order to be considered for an adoption you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 21 years of age.
  • Have identification showing your present address.
  • Have the consent of all adults living in the household.
  • Own your own home, or have the landlord’s consent to have a pet.

Information You’ll Need to Apply

The following information is required so that we can assist you in the selection of a new family member. Allow about 30 minutes to complete the application and please have the following information handy:

  • Name of pet you’re interested in adopting (if applicable).
  • Contact information for your current/past vets.
  • Contact information for 3 references.
  • Contact information for your landlord if you are renting.
  • Details (e.g., age, breed, etc.) for all pets currently living in the household.

Your driver’s license will be required at the time of adoption.

Adoption Application

All questions should be completed carefully and honestly in order to ensure the best match for you and your potential new pet. Please check your information for accuracy as typos, particularly in email addresses, may hinder the submission and processing of the form. Completion of this application does not guarantee the adoption of an animal in our care.

Adoption Application


As we are a “Best Match” facility, please indicate which particular pet you are interested in adopting. If you do not have a particular pet in mind, tell us what breed or type of pet you are interested in adopting. Not providing us with this information will delay your application or it may be unable to be processed at all. You may also put in a request for a certain breed blend by stating: REQUEST then typing who you are looking for.




We’d now like to know more about you, your household, and the pets you currently have.

Who will be the primary caretaker for this pet?

Senior-to-Senior Program


Primary care adopters who are 75+ years old, please read this important information regarding adopting a pet. Seniors aged 75+ must provide proof that they have made arrangements for the care of the pet they are interested in (trust, adult child, etc.). If the pet will be entrusted to an adult family member, they must meet our requirements for adoption. Seniors 75+, regardless of arrangements, are approved to adopt adult pets (aged 9+). While we encourage all seniors to adopt older pets, this only applies to adoptees over 75 years of age. For more information: 

Provisional Pet Parent

If the primary care giver to this pet is 75 years or older, in accordance with our policy, please provide information for the family member or person who will be entrusted to care for the pet in the event of his/her passing.

! Email invalid. Please check for typos.

Please tell us why you plan to crate your pet.
There is no right or wrong answer. We have pets of all types and training levels and do our best to match you with a pet who will be compatible.
Please count all children under the age of 18. Count children who live in the household both full and part time.

Guidelines for adopting with children in the household

Please read this important information regarding adopting with children present in the household.

The Animal League is dedicated to matching pets and families together in forever homes. Often the question is raised about how old children should be before adopting a puppy or kitten. Many experts agree that children experience a multitude of benefits from growing up alongside dogs and cats. However, sometimes the best match for young families is not a puppy/kitten, rather an adult dog or cat. Here are some reasons why:

Puppies and kittens are fragile. They are tiny and can be easily over looked by young children. This is not only dangerous for the pets, but young children can easily trip and fall over the pets. Small-breed dogs and puppies generally tend to be more nervous than larger breed dogs. This nervousness can lead to the dogs nipping or growling at young children who aren’t aware how to properly interact with small animals.

Puppies and kittens have not learned manners yet. Unfortunately, dogs and cats do not train themselves! Young children are sometimes frightened by the energy level of young pets. Until puppies and kittens are fully trained, they may scratch, nip, jump, etc. This is not due to aggression, the pets simply do not know better because they have not been trained. Regardless, these behaviors are understandably frightening to young children.

Puppies, in particular, require a lot of work! They are not house trained and have not gone through obedience training. Sometimes, puppy training coupled with the care required by babies and toddlers can prove overwhelming to parents. If dogs are not properly trained and socialized during their formative months, they can develop lifelong behavioral problems.

Children, just like puppies and kittens, go through different socialization and developmental stages. For example, children 3-4 years of age are still learning impulse control. Sudden outbursts, or impulsive grabs at a pet might frighten them and cause an adverse, frightened response. Sadly, if puppies and kittens have negative experiences with children during their socialization period, they can develop a lifelong fear of small children. Between ages 5-7, children learn empathy and are better equipped to treat dogs and cats properly. Be aware that boys under the age of 9 are the most common victims of dog bites.

In accordance with our goal to place pets in lifelong forever homes, The Animal League has developed age guidelines to assist potential adopters in finding their best match:

“6 Under 6”: Puppies and kittens under 6 months old are best-matched with families whose youngest child is 6 years of age or older, unless the puppy in question is a small breed.

Small breed puppies (under 30 lbs. full-grown) and toy breed adults (under 15lbs) are best-matched with families whose youngest child is 8 years of age or older.


This is a double-confirmation to absolutely ensure that you read the Guidelines. Please go back and read the policy in its entirety if you did not the first time.

Part 2: Commitment

More about you

Please tell us the pet’s name, animal type, and date you adopted from us (e.g., “Butchie”, “dog”, “12/04”).

If yes, please list for each pet owned: 1. name, 2. breed, 3. vet office used, and 4. what happened to each of them. Please be thorough.

For example:
Pet #1
1. Name – Sam
2. Breed – Dog
3. Vet Office – Westside Vet Clinic
4. I got Sam when I was in college about 15 years ago. When Sam was 5 he got cancer in his leg; I tried to treat it but we ended up having to put Sam down.

Pet #2….

Pet #3…

Pet #4…


Part 3: Contacts (Applicant Information)

If you do not have a cell phone, please enter all 0s
If you do not have a home phone, please enter all 0s
If you do not have a work phone, please enter all 0s

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Primary Veterinarian

Please list your primary veterinarian here. If you do not currently have a vet, please list the vet you plan to use for this pet.


The Animal League reserves the right to reject any application for adoption.

Applicant, by typing name below, gives permission for a representative of The Animal League to contact veterinarians listed, references and landlord (if applicable) provided on this form, and make a home visit (by appointment) prior to adoption.

Applicant, by typing name below, further acknowledges that all information contained in this application is true and correct, and that any misrepresentation may result in the removal of the adopted pet if adoption is approved.

Applicant, by typing name below, agrees to not declaw any kitten and/or cat adopted from The Animal League.

Applicant understands there is an adoption fee due at the time of adoption.

We are a BEST MATCH facility. We try to match the pet’s personality and needs with the family’s needs and lifestyle to increase the likelihood of a lifetime happy relationship for the whole family.

After you fill out the application please give us 5 working days to process it. It is often done quicker however we ask for your patience as we are a non-profit volunteer based rescue therefore most of the processing is done by volunteers.

Please also realize that on very popular pets, we may receive up to 20 applications. If you do not hear from us in 5 days this is likely the case. Feel free to call us after 5 days to check on the status of your application. If you are told the pet has been adopted, please understand that your application was probably one of many that came in after a FIRST BEST MATCH was accepted. We try to get back to everyone in a timely manner but occasionally get a little behind especially with popular pets. If you have put in an application and did not get your first choice pet, please consider another of our homeless pets in need. We save over 100 pets every single month so there are always new dogs and cats, puppies and kittens coming in!

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding and thank you for adopting a shelter pet, the very best breed!

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